Holding a Master’s Degree in Orchestral Conducting from New York’s “Mannes School of Music,” Miguel Campos Neto is in his 12th season as the Artistic Director and Chief Conductor of the Theatro da Paz Symphony Orchestra in Belém, northern Brazil. He also serves as Chief Conductor of its Opera Festival, and the Altino Pimenta Symphony Orchestra, of the Federal University of Pará. For 12 years he served as Chief Conductor of the Vale Musica Youth Orchestra and for 4 years he lead the Wilson Fonseca Youth Orchestra in Santarém. Recently nominated as Laureate Conductor of the Chelsea Symphony, orchestra that he was co-founder with Yaniv Segal and for which he served as Artistic Director for five seasons.
Appearing in Brazil’s most traditional Opera Festivals (Belém and Manaus), Campos Neto amasses a vast list of Operas in his repertoire. The intense activity at the opera pit resulted on the release of various DVDs of fully staged works among which are “Carmina Burana”, “Salomé”, “The Flying Dutchman”, and “Mefistofele”.
Outside of Brazil, Campos Neto has conducted orchestras in France (Mulhouse Symphony, and Avignon National Orchestra), Hungary (Savaria Symphony), Spain (Orquesta Ciudad de Alcalá), the United States (Dana Point Symphony, The Chelsea Symphony) and the Puerto Rico Symphony. In Brazil, he has conducted professional orchestras in most of the country’s important cites, such as Rio, São Paulo, Campinas, Belo Horizonte and the national capital, Brasília.
The 20/21 season brought about his debut as opera conductor in Europe, as he conducted Cavalleria Rusticana and Pagliacci at the “Opéra Grand Avignon” to great success of public and critic. Among his most important engagements for the 22/23 season is his return to lead a concert for the second season in a row with one of Brazil’s most important orchestras: Rio’s Brazilian Symphony Orchestra (OSB). He will also appear as guest conductor with the orchestras of Brasília, Guarulhos (São Paulo state), Theatro São Pedro (São Paulo city), The Chelsea Symphony, Symphony Irvine (CA) and will return to the Opéra Grand Avignon where he will conduct and serve as music director for Rossini’s “Il Turco in Italia”.
" L’Orchestre Régional Avignon-Provence, dirigé par le chef Miguel Campos Neto à la battue souple et généreusement expressive, passe largement dans l’enceinte de la salle (...) "
Marjorie Cabrol - Ôlyrix
" En fosse, Miguel Campos Neto prend un plaisir communicatif à diriger Rossini de mémoire, sans partition sur son pupitre ! Déjà connu du public avignonnais pour qui il a dirigé Cavalleria rusticana et Pagliacci en 2020, le chef brésilien insuffle à ce Turco une énergie toute latine qui, très rapidement, coagule et entraîne dans son sillage tout l’orchestre et le plateau. (...) Si l’équilibre sonore entre fosse et scène demeure perfectible, le chef Miguel Campos Neto veille cependant au confort de ses solistes en allégeant systématiquement l’orchestre aux moments où les voix sont les plus sollicitées, quitte à lâcher les décibels dans les grands tutti qui ponctuent l’écriture rossinienne. C’est finalement un Rossini vivifiant, nerveux et racé que donne à entendre le Maestro, démontrant par-là que la vraie qualité d’un orchestre n’est pas seulement la somme des talents de ses pupitres mais surtout leur capacité à se fondre dans un élan qui conduit la partition à bon port. "
Nicolas Le Clerre - Première Loge Opéra